
Crash In Newport Beach Causes Driver To Pass Away

 Incorrect Lane Way Driver Kicks The Bucket In Mishap. on Atari Expressway The mishap was accounted for early yesterday, authorities said that the fast lane toll road in Newport Beach had to be closed down as a result of the crash and death.

Ventura Man Captured For Pulling Out Firearm At Lady

 Ventura Man Captured for Pulling Out Firearm at Lady Who Horned at Him. Scene analysts claim Wilson impeded the lady's vehicle from entering the parking area and strolled toward her with the weapon close by. Ventura police captured a frail elderly person after he purportedly caught a lady in a parking area and took out a weapon for blaring at her Tuesday morning. At the point when the couple arrived at stop light on Wilson Drasder purportedly escaped his vehicle and argued with the lady. After that, she got in her car and drove to where her husband works. She did not notice that the suspect was following her.