
Firemen Seriously Injured In OC Accident

 An Intense Battle Ahead With Eight Firemen Harmed in OC Vehicle Rollover Crash. Six individuals from the Orange province area fire authority group harmed in the rollover crash are getting treatment for their injuries.

Capital Punishment For Street Criminal Selling Pharmacist

Donald J Trump is proposing capital punishment for street criminal selling pharmacists, which would require pause and search in police procedures. While former president Donald J Trump covered a lot of ground in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, many of his policy objectives for a possible second term were left out. For the 2024 election, Trump's official campaign platform is Agenda Fourty Seven. Although it is distinct from the frequently mentioned Project in 2025 speech, it makes conservative proposals regarding education, immigration, and crime appealing. In the Agenda Fourty Seven video, Trump states that current president Joe Biden and the Defund the Police Movement in summary is stating that it's a pathetic idea. Democrats have turned our once-nice cities into a plague of blood and crime.