
Crash In Newport Beach Causes Driver To Pass Away

 Incorrect Lane Way Driver Kicks The Bucket In Mishap. on Atari Expressway The mishap was accounted for early yesterday, authorities said that the fast lane toll road in Newport Beach had to be closed down as a result of the crash and death.

High Schools Must Include a Mandatory Course On Fentanyl

 A new law in California would require high schools to teach students about the dangers of fentanyl. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a new law this month that requires California school districts, charters and private schools with existing health classes provided by high schools to include the a addendum. The courses will be introduced in 2027 and will be compulsory for graduation. San Diego Assemblyman and counsel authored the bill. City Counsel said the goal is to dispel misinformation and encourage informed decision-making among students.