
Firemen Seriously Injured In OC Accident

 An Intense Battle Ahead With Eight Firemen Harmed in OC Vehicle Rollover Crash. Six individuals from the Orange province area fire authority group harmed in the rollover crash are getting treatment for their injuries.

Almost Fifty Critters Eliminated From Unjust Living Conditions

 Several pigs killed, and almost fifty critters eliminated because of insensitive circumstances on suburban property. Animal human specialists eliminated close to fifty unhealthy creatures and two other species were euthanized subsequent to getting various reports of cold hearted circumstances on a woods slope property. For violations involving abuse, neglect of animals due to owner's failure to provide veterinary care and appropriate housing.  Multiple written and verbal warnings were issued. The most recent examination of inhumane treatment began early July, when new grievances were made with respect to the government assistance of creatures program on a similar property. Animal control officers from the county went out and found many instances of inhumane conditions on both properties.