
Crash In Newport Beach Causes Driver To Pass Away

 Incorrect Lane Way Driver Kicks The Bucket In Mishap. on Atari Expressway The mishap was accounted for early yesterday, authorities said that the fast lane toll road in Newport Beach had to be closed down as a result of the crash and death.

Bail Bond Company That Is Accused Of Using Deceptive Methods

 The FBI is investigating a bail bond company that is accused of using deceptive methods to free prisoners. The now-defunct bail bond company is accused of using forged paperwork, intentional fraudulent bail bondsmen, and other methods to fraudulently secure funds to get prisoners out of the Houston County Jail, which was responsible for the arrest of more than fifty people in the Houston area last week. Specialists affirmed in a local government court earlier this week. As part of an effort by prosecutors to keep four of the fifty three individuals indicted in the alleged conspiracy of fraudulently releasing prisoners in federal custody. The local police department representative sergeant and an FBI special agent who led the bail bonds company investigation testified before a federal judge earlier this week and provided the details of the investigation.