
Firemen Seriously Injured In OC Accident

 An Intense Battle Ahead With Eight Firemen Harmed in OC Vehicle Rollover Crash. Six individuals from the Orange province area fire authority group harmed in the rollover crash are getting treatment for their injuries.

"I Will Shoot The Children," said by LAUSD Law Breaking Suspect

"I Will Shoot The Children." A quote made by the LAUSD hostage suspect. He will be condemned for various crimes. An Oklahoma man who experienced his early childhood in Los Angeles was condemned last week to a year and a month in government jail for conveying bomb intimidations to five Los Angeles schools, including several primary schools, and furthermore taking steps to shoot the kids as they left one of the schools. Court documents show the suspect made bomb threats against several LA elementary schools, a few middle schools, and a high school in less than two hours. In a call to one of the LA unified grade schools, the man took orchestrated steps to shoot and kill the youngsters as they left the structure awaiting pick up from there guardian.