
Crash In Newport Beach Causes Driver To Pass Away

 Incorrect Lane Way Driver Kicks The Bucket In Mishap. on Atari Expressway The mishap was accounted for early yesterday, authorities said that the fast lane toll road in Newport Beach had to be closed down as a result of the crash and death.

Proposed Legislation, Drug Offenders Would Be Barred From Certain Areas Of Seattle

 Under the proposed legislation, drug offenders would be barred from certain areas of Seattle. The City Attorney (DA) of Seattle, has proposed new legislation that would prohibit drug offenders from certain Seattle neighborhoods. The proposed legislation  (SODA) is a bill that would grant a judge the authority to prohibit defendants who commit crimes involving drugs and related offenses around designated locations in the International District and Downtown Seattle. This might be a state of pretrial discharge or a condition that the guilty party get discipline whenever sentenced.